Community Track: Fridge and News Team
A BoF for the Ubuntu New Team and Fridge editors to discuss the improvement of services offered and rendered to the community. Depending on turn-out, new editor training may be conducted.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Joey Stanford
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Amber Graner
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Joey Stanford
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
I added -M RoadMap Items as discussed -news meeting - https:/
I added action/work items from above roadmap to whiteboard --Amber Graner
Work List (Action Items)
[Assigned To] to migrate earlier Fridge content to new WordPress Fridge: DONE
[Assigned To] New Fridge Theme Based on New Ubuntu "light" Theme: DONE
[Assigned To] Current Fridge Editors trained on Input procedures for new WordPress Fridge: INPROGRESS
[Assigned To] Fridge Content to be adjusted based on "Information Radiator" model: DONE
[Assigned To] Ubuntu Community at a Glance - community form...what the dev teams are doing, loco teams..
[Assigned To] release - semi-graphic showing a title, a status indicator, and holding a link for more information: TODO
[Assigned To] to be able to embed images and video: TODO
[Assigned To] link to the forum is a pita - better/faster way to get information to the Forums: TODO
[Assigned To] a way for non-team members to post to the Fridge for approval Fridge Team - suggestion to have x number of news team members review and ack or nack it for a successful peer review model so community material written specifically for the Fridge: DONE
[Assigned To] Separate Links to Various Calendars: DONE
[Assigned To] Calendar for Meetings held in -Meetings (If LoCa, Classroom, and FOSSEvents Calenders/Links are added the we will need to leave wording for what the Fridge Calendar is for or change wording based on implementation or non-implementation of suggested Calendars/Links added to Fridge): DONE
[Assigned To] Calendar for LoCo Team IRC meetings and events Calendar: DONE
[Assigned To] LoCo Calendar would need to be created (short term): DONE
[Assigned To] If possible this Calendar could be linked or Pull information from/to LoCo Directory (Long Term Goal): TODO
[Assigned To] LoCo Team leaders/contacts as well as Newsletter and Fridge Editors: INPROGRESS
[akgraner] Calendar for Sessions held in -classroom: DONE
[Assigned To] Link to Calendar: TODO
[akgraner] Send out email to discuss team changes - merge fridge editors and uwn?: DONE
[akgraner] Contact uutt to discuss translations: TODO
[newz2000] Find out who from Ivanka's design team has been allocated for ideas on community themes (for wireframes): DONE
[akgraner] FAQ about newsletter and fridge: INPROGRESS
[nhandler & technoviking] Look into the current way that fridge items are posted to the forums and what takes so long. See if this can be improved with move to WP Tenatively: TODO
[akgraner & pleia2] Clean up wiki and update instructions for procedures on posting to fridge: INPROGRESS
Determine how to allow contributors to contribute material to fridge for review by a fridge editor for posting: DONE
[cjohnston] talk to jussi/bot team about getting the bots to update the topic in #ubuntu-meeting feature fixed: DONE
Add the countdown button to fridge for the next release - DEFERRED
[akgraner] Develop policy to vote upon regarding removing privs after certain amount of time of inactivity. If there is only one team (UWN & Fridge combined) participation in one but not the other will be considered when determining if someone is active or not (i.e. if you help with UWN then you'll stay on the team even if you don't post on the fridge): TODO