Planning ahead for 6.1

Registered by Dina

This is a list of proposed features planned for implementation in 6.1. Please note that these features will not be addressed until 6.0 is installed and running smoothly.

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Proposed additions for 6.1, as of 8-11-10:

1. Autoleveling <On | Off>:

To turn on the autoleveling feature, we will require a check message. Suggested message: "Turning autoleveling off will prevent you from leveling again until you visit your guildmaster and pay x! (Note: x will be the specific cost. See below for information on specific cost.) Are you sure you want to do this? You must type "yes" in full to turn autoleveling off. Any other response will leave autoleveling on.")

Once autoleveling is off, you may gain experience until you are one experience point away from gaining your next level. Once you're at that point, experience is capped and you will gain no further experience until you turn autoleveling back on. There will be a message to inform the player that they have hit the cap. Suggested message: "You have turned off autoleveling! Visit your guildmaster to level up!" Turning autoleveling back on grants the player one experience point, and if capped, a level.

To turn the autoleveling feature off, one must be at a guildmaster. Turning autoleveling off will cost 10k per level, with a cap of 250k (ie, 25 levels). The fee for remorted characters of any level will be a flat 250k. Suggested message when the player turns autolevel off: "Your guildmaster has removed the cap on your experience gains!" If the person has achieved the exp cap, turning autoleveling off will provide the 1 additional exp and a level, as described above. If the person has not achieved the exp cap, they will simply be able to resume gaining exp normally, and will automatically level the next time they achieve the proper amount of exp, unless they turn autoleveling off again before reaching that point.

Additionally, turning autoleveling off at level 30 would prevent you from immorting until you've turned it back on. This can serve as an extra protection for players who are concerned that they might inadvertently forget to type check after sacrifice.

Autolevel should probably also be settable by god+ as a convenience in case we need to be able to do it at some point -- to test a potential problem, for instance -- though I don't forsee it as likely that it's something we'd normally need to do.

2. Lower the "shutdown" command to GOD level.

3. Lower imms-never-logging-out to level 35, so that RNBLs can idle without being automatically logged out (but still force them invis when inactive, as at present.)

4. Add NOSAC, FLY, and SWIM flags.

5. Implement new remort fee structure: sacrifice fee will equal # of remorts * 1M, with a 50% discount if you have the full sac previously required for your # of remorts. (For reference: "For a first time immortal, the cost is 150 points. For a second time immortal, the cost is 300 points. For a third time immortal, the cost is 450 points. For any times beyond three, the cost is 600 points.")

6. Some change to rent slots. See for ongoing discussion.

7. Some changes to sohei. See for ongoing discussion.

8. Implementation of some kind of gambling, starting with a slot machine device and possibly involving a complete casino zone with multiple games of chance.

9. Fixing grapple. A variety of different skills, from a wide range of classes, will be adapted to fill the gap left by the fix. See for ongoing discussion.

10. Fixing special procs. Many of the special procs were coded to fire off outside of combat; however, there was a code check that did not allow this to happen, and then only combat conditions would allow those spec procs to fire. This was totally unintended. The code check will be removed so that these procs can fire outside of combat as intended. A full list of affected procs should be added to this whiteboard once available.

11. Implementation of more uses for gold -- well balanced, but providing intriguing options. These options are yet to be determined; they're currently in the brainstorming/debating stage. See for ongoing discussion.


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