Move to Helm 2.1 and Kubernetes 1.5.1
Helm 2.1 and Kubernetes 1.5.1 work properly.
Kubernetes 1.5.0 has auth issues: https:/
Helm 2.1 has issues with Kubernetes 1.4 as it is built against the 1.5 API libraries.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Kevin Fox
- Priority:
- Essential
- Drafter:
- Steven Dake
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Pete Birley
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for master
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Steven Dake
- Completed by
- Steven Dake
Related branches
Related bugs
It was decided at the team meeting to track the latest Helm release, and use the components that best meet it's requirements.
Work Items
Work items:
(portdirect)decide on which of Helm or K8s we place priority on tracking: DONE
(unassigned)decide how we manage Ceph PVC support in k8s and on hosts: DONE
(portdirect)Create kolla-controlle
(portdirect)Extend gate script to support simple changing of versions: DONE
(kfox1111)Change petsets to statefullsets: DONE
(kfox1111)Ensure init-containers specify pull policy: DONE