Database model for dashboard app to support test cases

Registered by Senthil Kumaran S

Create Database model for the LAVA dashboard app in order to store test cases.

Once CI jobs have been converted to start using lava-test-shell, the dashboard will gain access to meta-data not previously known, such as:
 * what tests we support for a given board type
 * what test cases should have run for a given run (ie was a test(s) skipped that we expected)
 * descptions of tests and test cases


[fboudra, 2012-12-20] not started, re-target to 2013.01
[danilo, 2013-03-27] Moving to next month: really needs to be pushed forward since it's been almost done last month as well.
[2013-04-24 asac] Headline/acceptance should be improved for release; think of the headline standing on a newspaper all alone. what would you say about the stuff achieved done here? Remember to update the text here, but also on fabo's monthly release highlights page that will go out to the world tomorrow.

Headline: Test Definitions now available in lava dashboard. Accumulation of meta-data via test definitions started.
Acceptance: A db model along with a basic UI to visualize it.
Roadmap id: CARD-200


Work Items

Work items:
design a db model in dashboard app: DONE
work out xmlrpc API: DONE
create a basic UI to visualize the db model: DONE
add sample test cases and store it in the db: DONE

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