Sentry logging and monitoring for LAVA
We want to know about application failures, errors, warnings and crashes throughout the LAVA stack. We have identified sentry http://
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- Paul Larson
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Zygmunt Krynicki
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for trunk
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Zygmunt Krynicki
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
Bug #962766: reporting an event during rendering of lava-kernel-ci-views pages times out after 5 minutes | Won't Fix |
[pwlars, 2012.02.21] Marking milestone for 2012.03 there are just a few things left to do but this is mostly complete
[zkrynicki, 2012-02-21] Everything is setup on http://
[zkrynicki, 2012-03-07] I've managed to hose the old sqlite database by accident. I've setup fresh DB for sentry and updated production to use that.
[zkrynicki, 2012-03-07] I've ran across a bug in sentry. https:/
[zkrynicki, 2012-03-22] I've postponed the remaining tasks. I'll have another look at the startup scripts shortly after 12.04 is released. Setting implementation to deployment.
[fboudra, 2012-08-07] Set implementation deployment->blocked , affected by LP: #962766
Headline: LAVA Stack can be monitored with Sentry, a real-time event logging and aggregation platform
Acceptance: Events from all server side components, apart from lava-test, can be seen on one aggregated page
Roadmap id: LAVA2012-
Work Items
Work items:
Deploy sentry: DONE
Ensure sentry starts up after reboot: POSTPONED
Request a new DNS entry via RT: DONE
[fboudra] Create a private mailing list for sentry notifications: DONE
Configure sentry to send even notifications to the private mailing list: POSTPONED
Make sentry private: DONE
Setup production and staging projects in sentry: DONE
Create LAVA plugin for sentry client, raven (https:/
Deploy lava-raven in production: DONE
Setup SENTRY_DSN for production: DONE
Ensure that dispatcher issues are logged to sentry: DONE
Ensure that scheduler issues are logged to sentry: DONE
Upgrade sentry to 3.x: DONE
Move sentry to postgresq for storage: DONE
Create sentry user/vhost on rabbitmq: DONE
Move sentry to celery for processing: DONE
Discover a bug in celery: DONE
Open merge request upstream: DONE
Re-create accounts for users that ought to have access here: POSTPONED