Package metadata with Linaro images
We would like to package metadata with the Linaro (Ubuntu and Android) images. The purpose is to pass information about the image to linaro-
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Данило Шеган
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Mattias Backman
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- Discussion
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Related branches
[tom-gall, 2011-12-08] : Located in ppa:tom-
Suggested format and features.
Meta File:
# comment
SEED= (free text name for rootfs (nano/developer etc))
DISTRO=distro (ubuntu) # lsb_release -c
DISTRO_RELEASE=ID (11.04) # lsb_release -r or could use single field based on lsb-release e.g lsb_release -d?
PACKAGE_MANAGER= # apt, yum, zypper, emerge
REQUIRES=list, of, stuff
MIN_RAM_SUGGESTION= # feedback to user, better name than "suggestion"?
[free text]
Stuff that may be interesting but will be ignored by l-m-c
How are we going to package this?
There should be no extra files to pass to l-m-c
tar up hwpack + md5 + asc
tar up rootfs + md5 + asc
tar up bits for android where possible
Let's just put the meta file in the image tarball to begin with so as to not over-complicate this change.
---- misc ----
* copy metadata files into rootfs
* hwpack should contain compatable boards list
* automatic board selection with board version, target (eMMC Vs SD)
* common dir on target system for all metadata (metadata files, lmc command line, lmc version, host lsb_release, QEMU version)
* parallel LMC actions where possible (off topic)
* Sync up with Ubuntu - related to live build
Work Items
Work items:
[mabac] List project in Infrastructure Proposed Projects queue: DONE
Define steps to implement all meta fields to be handled by l-m-c: TODO
Define changes needed in linaro-
Break down the bp into a lot of work items: TODO
Update linaro-
Update linaro-
[tom-gall] Update live build scripts: DONE
Find out if there are any changes to Offspring that will be needed.: TODO