Refactor OHCI controller code
As part of the multi-platform kernel work, allow for configuring multiple OHCI controllers as both modules or static drivers in the same kernel.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Arnd Bergmann
- Priority:
- Essential
- Drafter:
- Jakub Pavelek
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- manjunath goudar
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for kernel-merge-window
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Fathi Boudra
- Completed by
- Jakub Pavelek
Related branches
Related bugs
Roadmap id: CARD-114
Headline: Refactored OHCI controller code
* merged to upstream tree
* no regressions found by running the code
[arnd-arndb 2013-05-08] patch to make OHCI back-ends non-conflicting merged into 3.10-rc1 as of 9fc377799bc9bfd
[jakub-pavelek 2013-07-01] Arnd says "all the work items listed as 13.05 are in linux-next (3.11) but none of the 13.06 ones made it" That means it will be finished in 3.12 as G-KH will not start taking 3.12 patches before 3.11-rc1
Work Items
Work items for 13.05:
first version of ohci-hcd a library module patch: DONE
Generic changes to make ohci-pci a separate driver : DONE
first version factor out PCI backend : DONE
first version factor out EXYNOS backend : DONE
first version factor out ohci-platform backend : DONE
Work items for 13.06:
[arnd-arndb] make all ARM OHCI backends non-conflicting : DONE
create base patch for OHCI to allow loading backends as modules : DONE
factor out OMAP backend : DONE
factor out OMAP3 backend : DONE
factor out at91 backend : DONE
factor out SPEAr backend : DONE
factor out s3c2410 backed : DONE
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.