Standardized Error Codes for Nova

Registered by Sandy Walsh

Top level exceptions should include a standardized set of error codes in addition to the normal exception data (stack trace, exception type, etc.) This is to ease customer support by permitting the customer to state "I'm getting a X1234 error when I try to start my server".

We need to grab all the Exxx codes from Slicehost as a starting place.
We need to catch all top-level exceptions and write them to a rabbit queue with these new codes (and the logger).


First appeared in diablo-2

Reassigning this to titan team since they have been doing a lot of this.


1) Collect all current error codes from existing RS cloud API.
2) Define uniform approach to error codes across Nova project.
3) Add error codes to correct places throughtout Nova code base.


Work Items

Dependency tree

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