Ergonomy Improvement Trunk CRM

Registered by Fabien (Open ERP)

CRM Improvements Trunk

General Improvements

All buttons in list view must be very small icons, not big buttons. Find icons
for most common actions: set to draft, open, done, cancel, my, my department,
customers, suppliers, ... you can use some open source icons to th web and gtk

They are too much filters on CRM cases, please remove them all.

For all CRM Cases (leads, opportunities, jobs, ...), from all the menus, keep
only one menu per type of case (section) For instances, for leads, keep only
one menu "CRM > Sales > Leads" and remove all the others "My Leads, My Pending
Leads, ..."

On buttons in search views, we should be able to put an attribute, default="1".
Means, when you enter the form, the button/filter is on. By default, on ALL form
view, the "My" button on the responsible field is set to default="1"

On crm case object, the "Close" state must be renamed by "Closed". The "Cancel"
state must be renamed by "Cancelled"

On a partner form, add a button: Create an Opportunity. Remove the Events
relate button on the partner form.

On all Case, the "Send Email" should accept 3 fields.binary to put attachements
to emails.

On all cases, in Emails tab, communication history. On the right of the channel
field, add a button [Add a CC], it opens a form like this one:
    Send To : _________ V (email address | user | partner)
    User : _____________ * * (attrs: sent_to = user)
    Partner : _____________ * * (attrs: sent_to = partner)
    Email Address : _____________
If you select a user or a partner, an on_change set the email address field to the
address of the user or the partner. When clicking on ok, it:
  - sends the latest email to the email adderss
  - add the email address to the list of CC

Leads - Search View

The search view should be like this:
  [Today] [7 Days] | Description Responsible Status

Keep only two filter buttons in the search view:
* Today
* 7 Days

Put filter buttons near to search fields:
* State:
  - Current : state in ('draft','open')
* Responsible:
  - My Department
  - My

As written in general improvements, put small icons on the list views. We don't need to
much buttons in the lsit view to change states, just:
  - Open
  - Done
  - Escalate
  - Cancel
For the others, they can do in form view.

Leads - Form View

Remove the [Convert to Partner] button an put it right to the partner field:
 <label string="Partner:" align="1.0"/>
 <group colspan="1" col="2">
  <field name="partner_id" nolabel="1"/>
  <button .../>

When you convert a lead to an opportunity, the case_id on the lead must point to the
opportunity (only if this case_id is False)

Put the Events and Email tags in base.group_extended

Invert Stage and Responsible fields

Opportunity Search View

The search view should be like this:
  [Today] [7 Days] | Opportunity Responsible Partner Status

Keep only two filter buttons in the search view:
* Today
* 7 Days

Put filter buttons near to search fields:
* State:
  - Current : state in ('draft','open')
* Responsible:
  - My Department
  - My

As written in general improvements, put small icons on the list views. We don't need to
much buttons in the lsit view to change states, just:
  - Open
  - Done
  - Escalate
  - Cancel
For the others, they can do in form view.

Opportunity Form View

Schedule a Meeting: It should open the calendar view on meetings, having values preselected,
using the context (default_case_id). Exactly like "Schedule a Meeting" from a partner form.
You can remove the wizard/osv_memory that asks for a date and duration.

Schedule a Phone Call wizard:
  - put a colspan="4" for the separator title.
  - Open if form view on the created phone call, not in list view if only one
    phone call is created. (Similar to the convert to Opportunity Wizard)
  - The planned date must not be required. It must be empty by default.

Send New Email, from the Email tab. Add a selection field bellow:
  - Set State: Unchanged | Done | Pending
By default it's done. It must simulate the press onthe button "Done", "Set Pending", so that
it appears in the history of activities on the case.

On the action on the right (History of Events), set an icon from a relate, not a wizard.

Phone Call Search View

The search view should be like this:
  [Inbound] [Outbound] | [Today] [7 Days] | Subject Responsible Status

Put filter buttons near to search fields:
* State:
  - Current : state in ('draft','open')
* Responsible:
  - My Department
  - My

As written in general improvements, put small icons on the list views. We don't need to
much buttons in the lsit view to change states, just:
  - Open
  - Done
  - Escalate
  - Cancel
For the others, they can do in form view.

Bugs Search View

The search view should be like this:
  [Fixed] [Waiting] [Future] | [Today] [7 Days] | Subject Responsible Status

Bugs Form View

Put case_id field just after the severity one.

Claims Tree View

Change to have the following columns:
 - ID
 - Description
 - Partner
 - Date
 - Type
 - Responsible
 - Status

Claims Search View

[In Progress]

Jobs - Form View

Move Convert to partner button on the right of the partner_id field.

Add Schedule a Phone Call button in the form view, at the place of the current
convert to partner button.

Jobs - Search View

[Today] [7 Days] | [New] [Open] [Pending] | Name Email Responsible

* New: state='draft'
* Open: state='open'

Jobs Tree View

candidate email
candidate phone
applied job

Meetings Form View

Add a boolean fields on Display in Calendar

The Meetings menus should have the collowing domains:

Remove the menu: New meeting

Blueprint information

Needs approval
Series goal:
Milestone target:
Started by
Fabien (Open ERP)
Completed by
Fabien (Open ERP)


GG (note from Fabien, I removed your notes about filters, which is already implemented in trunk and does not relates to CRM)

===GG 23.12.09 ==
I removed my previous remarks because lot of them are implemented.

I want to add two wishes:
1. Opportunity has related cases. There are some kind of subordinate cases. Let say you have complicated opportunity with a lot of scheduled meetings and calls as subordinate cases. All of meetings and calls has planned dates and deadlines. I think that main case (Opportunity) should have Next Action field calculated of closest planned date of subordinate cases. And such Next action date should be visible on Opportunity list (tree view) to sort Opportunities and know which of them needs attention soon.

2. You schedule a phone call from Opportunity. Call is created as related to Opportunity. So you can see related cases, see that you have to make call, get to the call case, make the call, then make description of the result of the call, and in a lot of cases you will need to schedule another call. So I think we should have possibility to schedule a call within call but that "another call" should be related to main case (Opportunity). I mean subsequent call shouldn't be subordinate of former call but should subordinate of parent Opportunity case and should be visible in "related cases" of parent Opportunity.
This of course doesn't concern calls which has no parent.

All above can concern to other main cases like Claims, Bug tracking.
====End GG====


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