Blueprint assignments for “Polaris”

This listing shows the assignment of work for blueprints currently associated with Polaris. The drafter is responsible for getting the specification correctly written up and approved. The approver is usually the person who would sign off on the specification.

124 of 24 specifications
Priority Name Definition Delivery Assignee Drafter Approver
4 High Tidy up code base 0 Approved 1 Not started Aiman Baharna
4 High Improve efficiency writing to data file 0 Approved 0 Unknown
4 High Move from using Glade to GtkBuilder 0 Approved 1 Not started
4 High Review code base for Python 3000 compliance 0 Approved 0 Unknown
4 High Renovate user interface 0 Approved 0 Unknown
4 High Decide on what to do with completed tasks 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
3 Medium Implement task dependencies 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Improve DND experience 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Improve interface responsiveness 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Implement searching notes and/or titles 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Parse hyperlinks entered in note area 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Only allow task save if fields really did change 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Implement informative status bar 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Support for attaching files to tasks 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Support for local and http hyperlinks 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Link task to a Tomboy note 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Display information in tooltips on hover 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Implement type-to-search 0 Approved 0 Unknown
3 Medium Allow custom sorting of task list 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
2 Low Allow filtering by multiple categories or contexts 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
2 Low Change to popup date selector 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
2 Low Implement support for profiles 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
1 Undefined Allow custom fields for tasks 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
1 Undefined Update values for multiple tasks simultaneously 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
124 of 24 specifications

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