Blueprints for kilo

150 of 54 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
4 High add-timeouts-for-polling 0 Approved 11 Implemented Vitalii Gridnev 2015.1.0
4 High auth-policy 0 Approved 11 Implemented Andrew Lazarev 2015.1.0
4 High cdh-version-management 0 Approved 11 Implemented Ken Chen 2015.1.0
4 High default-templates 0 Approved 11 Implemented Chad Roberts 2015.1.0
4 High edp-improve-compatibility 0 Approved 11 Implemented Kazuki OIKAWA 2015.1.0
4 High edp-job-types-endpoint 0 Approved 11 Implemented Trevor McKay 2015.1.0
4 High edp-spark-swift-integration 0 Approved 11 Implemented Trevor McKay 2015.1.0
4 High enable-auto-security-group-in-it 0 Approved 11 Implemented Sergey Reshetnyak 2015.1.0
4 High enable-result-filtering 0 Approved 11 Implemented Chad Roberts 2015.1.0
4 High indirect-vm-access 0 Approved 11 Implemented Andrew Lazarev 2015.1.0
4 High periodic-cleanup 0 Approved 11 Implemented Andrew Lazarev 2015.1.0
4 High sahara-support-https 0 Approved 11 Implemented Andrew Lazarev 2015.1.0
4 High scenario-integration-tests 0 Approved 11 Implemented Sergey Reshetnyak 2015.1.0
4 High security-guidelines-doc 0 Approved 11 Implemented Michael McCune 2015.1.0
4 High support-cinder-availability-zones 0 Approved 11 Implemented Adrien Vergé 2015.1.0
4 High support-nova-availability-zones 0 Approved 11 Implemented Adrien Vergé 2015.1.0
4 High volume-instance-locality 0 Approved 11 Implemented Andrey Pavlov 2015.1.0
3 Medium add-backlog-to-specs 0 Approved 11 Implemented Michael McCune 2015.1.0
3 Medium add-edp-shell-action 0 Approved 11 Implemented Elise Gafford 2015.1.0
3 Medium add-lib-subset-cm-api 0 Approved 11 Implemented Ken Chen 2015.1.0
3 Medium cdh-hbase-support 0 Approved 11 Implemented lu huichun 2015.1.0
3 Medium cdh-hive-support 0 Approved 11 Implemented Sergey Reshetnyak 2015.1.0
3 Medium cdh-hue-support 0 Approved 11 Implemented Sergey Reshetnyak 2015.1.0
3 Medium cdh-spark-support 0 Approved 11 Implemented Sergey Reshetnyak 2015.1.0
3 Medium cdh-zookeeper-support 0 Approved 11 Implemented Ken Chen 2015.1.0
3 Medium drop-hadoop-2-3-support 0 Approved 11 Implemented Sergey Reshetnyak 2015.1.0
3 Medium edp-add-hbase-lib 0 Approved 11 Implemented lu huichun 2015.1.0
3 Medium edp-api-json-samples 0 Approved 11 Implemented Elise Gafford 2015.1.0
3 Medium edp-data-sources-in-job-configs 0 Approved 11 Implemented Trevor McKay 2015.1.0
3 Medium edp-hive-vanilla-swift 0 Approved 11 Implemented Kazuki OIKAWA 2015.1.0
3 Medium event-log 0 Approved 11 Implemented Vitalii Gridnev 2015.1.0
3 Medium exceptions-improvement 0 Approved 11 Implemented Andrey Pavlov 2015.1.0
3 Medium hdp-plugin-enable-hdfs-ha 0 Approved 11 Implemented Abbass MAROUNI 2015.1.0
3 Medium insert-storm-as-image-option 0 Approved 11 Implemented Telles Mota Vidal Nóbrega 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-bare 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-drill 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-flume 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-hue 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-image-elements 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-impala 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-plugin 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-refactor 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-sqoop 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium mapr-v402 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium maprfs-datasource 0 Approved 11 Implemented Artem Osadchiy 2015.1.0
3 Medium new-style-logging 0 Approved 11 Implemented Nikolay Starodubtsev 2015.1.0
3 Medium sahara-api-workers 0 Approved 11 Implemented Andrew Lazarev 2015.1.0
3 Medium saharaclient-tests-in-tempest 0 Approved 11 Implemented Andrey Pavlov 2015.1.0
3 Medium spark-cleanup 0 Approved 11 Implemented Elise Gafford 2015.1.0
3 Medium storm-integration 0 Approved 11 Implemented Telles Mota Vidal Nóbrega 2015.1.0
150 of 54 results

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