UNE launcher on ARM

Registered by James Westby

Improve the user experience to enable Unity in cases where 3D drivers can not be shipped with the default image.

Blueprint information

Needs approval
Series goal:
Accepted for maverick
Milestone target:
Started by
Alexander Sack

Related branches



[asac Jun 10]: dropping spec from linaro user platform plate for maverick; linaro will rather make available two image profile variants: a) 2d launcher; b) 3d launcher.

Blocked on resources. at best needs a different owner.

Work items:
Decide on exact nature of fallback mechanism (eg GDM session) for 3D driver installation: TODO
Ensure that the Unity 3D session can communicate the reason it failed to start: TODO
Enable the fallback mechanism on first boot in case the 3D session fails because of lack of drivers: TODO
Provide a lightweight panel (mobile-m-lightweight-panel-for-efl) with appropriate applet/indicator so that users can configure internet access: TODO
Investigate the feasibility of querying (while offline) whether proprietary 3D drivers are available at all for specific hardware: TODO
Provide a way to query (while offline) whether proprietary 3D drivers are available at all for specific hardware: TODO
Provide a way to set up the new default session (2D) if 3D drivers are not available at all (~/.dmrc): TODO
Prototype a wizard UI component to ask the user whether they actually want to install 3D drivers: TODO
Get feedback for UI component from design team: TODO
Implement wizard UI component taking into account design team feedback: TODO
Prototype a wizard UI to download and install drivers (utilizing jockey infrastructure): TODO
Get feedback for UI component from design team: TODO
Implement wizard UI component taking into account design team feedback: TODO
Prototype a wizard UI to guide the user to set up an internet connection: TODO
Get feedback for UI component from design team: TODO
Implement wizard UI component taking into account design team feedback: TODO
Provide a way for the wizard to set up the new default session according to user selection and installation result (eg change ~/.dmrc and /var/cache/gdm/<user>/dmrc): TODO

asac: marked the lightweight panel spec as a dependency of this one; that spec will deal with the whole 2d experience; and the panel for the jockey-only mode.


Work Items

Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.