Validation Dashboard

Registered by James Westby

Creating a dashboard interface for visualizing the current state of Validation on ARM

Blueprint information

Scott Bambrough
Zygmunt Krynicki
Needs approval
Zygmunt Krynicki
Series goal:
Accepted for maverick
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-10.10
Started by
Zygmunt Krynicki
Completed by
Zygmunt Krynicki



Working on 0.3 features

Work items (maverick-alpha-1):
Check hudson for extra insight/reuse options: DONE
Check django-over-storm model usage examples from U1 sources: DONE
Setup launchpad project for dashboard component: DONE
Document workflow examples and publish description document on the project page: INPROGRESS
Create website mockups: DONE
Publish website mockups: POSTPONED
Create dashboard presentation for tools sprint in Cambridge: DONE

Work items (maverick-alpha-2):
Setup project with trunk and personal branches: DONE
Implement client-side QualitativeSample class: DONE
Implement client-side QuantitativeSample class: DONE
Implement client-side SampleContainer class with JSON serialization support: POSTPONED
Implement client-side SoftwareProfile class: DONE
Implement client-side HardwareProfile class: POSTPONED
Implement client-side DashboardSubmission class: POSTPONED
Create first dummy but running webapp instance for development: DONE
Create package for the dashboard webapp: POSTPONED
Deploy current package of the dashboard in Infrastructure Team Eucalyptus instance: POSTPONED

Work items (maverick-alpha-3):
Publish JSON schema for "Validation Dashboard Bundle 1.0" format: DONE
Document post-sprint database model and publish description document on the project page: POSTPONED
Cleanup code created during the Prague sprint: DONE
Push new JSON stack to trunk: DONE
Push command-line interface to trunk: DONE
Implement unit tests for client side model: DONE
Push new client side models to trunk: DONE
Push new client side factory classes to trunk: POSTPONED
Implement client side dashboard bundle model: DONE
Implement server side dashboard bundle model: DONE
Push server side models to trunk: DONE
Write unit tests for dashboard views: DONE
Push initial views and templates to trunk: DONE
Implement client side dashboard bundle serialization to/from JSON: DONE
Push json-to-db importer to trunk: DONE
Write authentication interface glued to django-auth for xml-rpc methods: POSTPONED
Push xml-rpc interface to trunk: DONE
Implement server side web API for uploading submissions: DONE
Push server-side (xm-rpc) web API for uploading/managing submissions(bundles): DONE
Implement command-line tool for uploading submissions to dashboard instance: DONE
Push command-line tool for uploading submissions to dashboard instance to trunk: DONE
Push log analysis module to trunk: POSTPONED
Push example gcc log analysis module to trunk: POSTPONED
Push random data generator commands to trunk: POSTPONED
Create example data for development: DONE
Create buildout-based development environment for runnint/testing dashboard server: POSTPONED
Create package for the dashboard webapp: POSTPONED
Deploy current package of the dashboard in Infrastructure Team Eucalyptus instance: POSTPONED

Work items (ubuntu-10.10-beta):
Choose technology and library to render graphs (client-side: canvas, svg, server side: png): POSTPONED
Pick up existing open source library for client side graph rendering: POSTPONED
Implement client side aggregate qualitative summary view for a collection of samples: POSTPONED
Implement client side discrete qualitative view for single sample: POSTPONED
Implement client side discrete quantitative view for single sample: POSTPONED
Implement client side history view for discrete quantitative view for a collection of samples from a single emitter: POSTPONED
Implement client side quantitative view for collection of samples with time measurements: POSTPONED
Implement support for multiple data series for aggregate qualitative summary view: POSTPONED
Implement support for multiple data series for discrete quantitative view: POSTPONED
Implement test run view that shows all results associated with this run: POSTPONED
Extend test run view to show failing results and brief summary of the good results: POSTPONED
Add support for setting baselines on a per (device class, probe) basis: POSTPONED
Add support for rendering baseline in all quantitative views: POSTPONED
Implement image view aggregating qualitative test failures from all runs against this image: POSTPONED

Work items (0.1 release):
Deployment instructions needed: DONE
Ask IS to deploy public Linaro instance: DONE
Test model needed: DONE
TestRun model needed: DONE
TestResult model needed: DONE
TestCase model needed: DONE
List view for BundleStream: DONE
Detail view for BundleStream: DONE
Detail view for Bundle: POSTPONED
List view for Bundles in specific stream: POSTPONED
API for decomposing DashboardBundle into Test, TestRun, TestCase and TestResult: DONE
Import command for lc-tool: DONE

Work items (0.1.1 release):
Fix configuration issue preventing from being used correctly: DONE
Release 0.1.1: DONE

Work items (0.2 release):
page needed: DONE
List view for Bundles in specific stream: DONE
List view for TestRuns in specific stream: POSTPONED
Improve data browser integration: DONE
Improve JSON schema validation support: POSTPONED
Add django-chronograph support and move bundle deserialization to a background task: POSTPONED
Add django-south support (database migration framework): POSTPONED
Release: 0.2: DONE

Work items (0.3 release):
Feature #4: Detail view for Bundle: DONE
Feature #15: Change DjangoAPI.put() to decompose the uploaded bundle in the background: POSTPONED
[salgado] Feature #17: Add support for OpenID authentication: DONE
Feature #21: Add django-chronograph to dependencies: POSTPONED
Feature #22: Add chronograph-based background data importer: POSTPONED
Feature #24: Add basic views for looking at data: DONE
Feature #31: Add support for south migrations: POSTPONED
De-duplicate json support code: DONE
Feature #32: Add support for JSON schema validation: DONE
Feature #33: Decompose unit tests into separate modules: DONE
Feature #34: Add mod_wsgi deployment instructions: DONE
[james-w] Feature #36: Addd support for OAuth for XML-RPC: POSTPONED
Create debian package: DONE


Work Items