DEX - Improving Cross Community collaboration with Debian
The Ubuntu DEX Team is part of the DEX project. Our goal is to facilitate cooperation between Debian and Ubuntu through direct action: merging patches, sponsoring uploads, and so on.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Jono Bacon
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Jorge Castro
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Jorge Castro
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for oneiric
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- ubuntu-11.10
- Started by
- Completed by
Work items:
[mdz] Propose concentrating on big merges, sorted by size/delta, see "Big merges" http://
[jorge] Try to find someone to design the dex page so it looks nice.: DONE
[laney] measure relative uploads between ubuntu and debian and see if anything interesting pops up (UDD data imported, just got to write query/interface): INPROGRESS
[vorlon] document RFA bugs as the recommended procedure for finding Debian maintainers for new packages introduced in Ubuntu first: TODO
[jorge] talks to LP to see if we can improve/replace, can LP help us here?, can't lose PTS integration (Bryce has https:/