Snappy docs review

Registered by Daniel Holbach

With we're off to a good start, but let's make the docs *real* good!

Blueprint information

Not started
David Planella
Daniel Holbach
Needs approval
Daniel Holbach
Series goal:
Milestone target:

Related branches




 - review (skipped, nothing too interesting/important)
 - random stuff on daniel's/david's/others plate:
  - find a better way to integrate markdown docs from lp:snappy into developer.u.c/snappy
  - integrate blog posts about python and node snappification into tutorials
  - create a list of enabled devices
 - gadget snap doc
 - "the first 5 minutes"
 - a video(?)
 - great demos
 - set expectations for developers
 - application development

 - Documentation is manually maintained at this moment
 - Our goal is to have the documentation as part of the bzr/git branch and make sure that the docs are updated together with new code changes
 - We would need to find a way how to update the official documentation based on what is available at the bzr/git branches
  - Could be manual at the moment
  - Ideally be automatically consumed from the bzr/git repos
 - For blog posts and tutorials we could have people with write access to make it available as part of the official docs
 - Requested infos:
  - List of supported devices, how to add new devices and so on
  - Success stories for porting/building/using
 - how do folks contribute developer enablement
  - they upload gadget snap
  - we introduce a field that allows to refer to developer download location of unofficial kernels
  - we setup a page on or somewhere else that surfaces the available developer gadgets for web browsing
  - u-d-f grows feature to find and use gadgets
  - we setup a process to keep the gadgets in rolling sanitized
 - Application development:
  - Better description for apps and frameworks
  - Examples for simple applications with the most common languages and libraries (c, go, python, etc)
- Make a few more gadget snap


Work Items

Work items:
[dholbach] add relevant people to developer site editors team: TODO
[dholbach] explain how to use the developer site: TODO
[dholbach] write script to make it easier to integrate the snappy internal markdown docs: TODO
figure out which information we want to have for ports: TODO
manually add current ports: TODO
figure out a way to automatically add ports: TODO
explain concept of frameworks better: TODO
integrate all internal snappy docs: TODO
write gadget snap tutorial: TODO
kernel snap / device tarball tutorial: TODO
hacking on the core os itself: TODO
how to submit stuff / how to work with the snappy team: TODO
perl package snappification: TODO
C package snappification: TODO
go package snappification: TODO
better first 5 minute experience on dev.u.c/snappy: TODO

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