Implement Theme overrides from a component to be applied on all its sub-components

Registered by Zsombor Egri

Extend theming capabilities so a different theme can be applied on a sub-tree of styled components withion the same application.



Work Items

Work items:
[zsombi] Prepare old theming engine for deprecation and to support multiple instances: DONE
[zsombi] Introduce ThemeSettings (2.0 will be named as Theme): DONE
[zsombi] Introduce theme context property and StyledItem.theme property: DONE
[zsombi] Replace Theme with the new theme all over the toolkit: DONE
[zsombi] Make ThemeSettings palette property writable, configured with a Palette from which only the valid color values are taken: DONE
[zsombi] Check performance implications on moving style and __styleInstance properties to StyleItemBase, removing additional QML layer: DONE
[zsombi] Add theme descriptor to configure theme, deprecates parent_theme file: TODO
[zsombi] Move Label styling to C++: TODO
[zsombi] Write tutorial about the new theming: TODO

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