Openstack QA
Continue providing high quality Openstack ubuntu releases of Openstack for ubuntu.
Provide well tested packages for Ubuntu.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Dave Walker
- Priority:
- Essential
- Drafter:
- Ubuntu Server
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Chuck Short
- Definition:
- Obsolete
- Series goal:
- Accepted for quantal
- Implementation:
Beta Available
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Kate Stewart
- Completed by
- James Page
UDS Discussion Points:
Welcome to Ubuntu Developer Summit!
#uds-p #track #topic
What was done?
- Setup of Openstack Continous Integration
What needs to be done?
- Testing swift
- Functional Testing
Things that will help going fowards:
- Centralised dependency management upstream.
- Formalise discussion
Plans for Quantal
Three versions:
- precise-essex
- precise-folsom
- quantal-folsom
Full testing of swift
- Rewrite of charm to support deployment on two nodes (fits in the lab).
Upgrade testing
- Research good framework for automated/
- DB migration testing with different DB backends.
- activity upstream to support upgrade testing.
- Essex -> Folsom
- 12.04 - quantal
- Just 12.04
Burn testing
- Instance cycling - part of tempest.
Posting back to gerrit for pre-commit:
- +1/-1.
- Need to find a good way of reporting back to ensure that we don't get to many false positives.
Different deployment options:
Testing of different database backends
Image testing in the lab:
- Benchmarking.
- Function.
API testing:
- mgz - contact for collaborative effort to test ec2 compatibility.
- space on openstack API testing.
Document tested and referenced deployment configs.
Deploy release cloud images as part of overall testing.
Split database migrations out of deployment charms and into own tests.
Clean up Juju deployment tool, move to its own project
Integration of reporting to gerrit upstream.
Enable burn/load/
Sort out way forward with current Openstack dev on current Ubuntu stable.
[zulcss] communicate what we are testing and current results on a regular basis.
Setup testing of swift in the lab.
Investigate testing of awsome on the lab
Setup testing of juju against deployed openstack in the lab.
User Stories
Alex is a developer who wants to test the very latest cutting edge Ubuntu packages on his test server.
Chuck is an ubuntu developer who want to test his packaging changes before merging them into the Archive.
- Essex/Precise will be tested
- Folsom/Precise will be tested
- Folsom/Quantal will be tested
Work Items
Work items:
[zulcss] Prepare ubuntu packaging branches for foslom/quantal: DONE
[zulcss] Preparse ubuntu packaging branches for folsom/precise: DONE
[zulcss] Prepare PPA for folsom/quantal: DONE
[zulcss] Prepare PPA for folsom/precise: DONE
Document tested and referenced deployment configs: POSTPONED
Deploy release cloud images as part of overall testing: POSTPONED
Split database migrations out of deployment charms and into own tests: POSTPONED
[gandelman-a] Clean up Juju deployment tool, move to its own projecT: POSTPONED
Integration of reporting to gerrit upstream: POSTPONED
Enable burn/load/
Sort out way forward with current Openstack dev on current Ubuntu stable: DONE
[zulcss] communicate what we are testing and current results on a regular basis: TODO
Setup testing of swift in the lab: POSTPONED
Investigate testing of awsome on the lab: POSTPONED
[gandelman-a] Setup testing of juju against deployed openstack in the lab: DONE
Write up tests to preform database migratioN: POSTPONED
Write up tests to perform package upgrade tests: TODO
Write up tests to perform burn in tests: POSTPONED
Write up tests to perform benchmarks for cloud images on openstack: TODO
Write up tests to perform tests API: DONE
Write up tests to perform tests on awsome: POSTPONED
Write up tests to use different database backend: TODO
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.