OpenStack SRUs
With the release of Essex on Precise we wish to regularily provide timely updates to our users who are still using Essex. The purpose of this blueprint is to figure out the process and track work that needs to be done.
Provide users with stable/essex openstack installation that is well tested and production ready.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Dave Walker
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Ubuntu Server
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Chuck Short
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for quantal
- Implementation:
- Informational
- Milestone target:
- ubuntu-12.10
- Started by
- Antonio Rosales
- Completed by
- Dave Walker
UDS Discussion Topics:
Providing timely issues of Openstack for users who want to stay with essex. We will be following a model similar to the kenel SRU process:
what is a valid sru
regular conditions apply
Process (simplified)
1. Bug is opened in launchpad for the openstack project.
2. stable/essex project is sucked in to openstack-ci and tempest is run and test suits ran
3. project is uploaded to -proposed
Open Issues
- Cant test everything so you have to trust the stable maint team in openstack
- able to test obviously launchpad bugs that are specific to ubuntu
- no regular releases of essex stable tarballs yet
Open questions
- how long realistically do essex releases for precise since sillt chaging code base
formalize openstack sru proccess
ask tech board for micro release exception
User Stories
Rutager is a system admin for a large ISP who uses Ubuntu for their production systems and needs a stable, well tested, production ready packaging for their servers and wants to upgrade them regularily
ABC micro is a OEM provider who sells a cloud in the box who sells Ubuntu Server for their cloud offering.
- Essex on Ubuntu will be supported for 5 years
- Regular releases of an Essex stable snapshot will be done
- Openstack SRU releases will be released regularily
- Openstack SRU releases will be well qa
- Openstack Charms will be updated when necessary
Test Plans:
Openstack SRU release will be well tested
Work Items
Work items:
[zulcss] Formalize Openstack SRU policy for Precise: DONE
[zulcss] Prepare ubuntu packaging branches for stable: DONE
[zulcss] Prepare upstream tarballs for essex/stable branches: DONE
[zulcss] Prepare openstack-ci for testing of essex/stable: DONE
[zulcss] Week 5 Monitor relevant projects for apprioate fixes: DONE
[zulcss] Week 6 prepare for openstack SRU (prepare packaging): DONE
Week 7 call for testing for openstack SRU (upload): DONE
Week 8 finalize openstack SRU (internal/external testing): DONE
Week 10 Monitor relevant projects for apprioate fixes: DONE
Week 11 prepare for openstack SRU (prepare packaging): DONE
Week 12 call for testing for openstack SRU (upload): DONE
Week 13 finalize openstack SRU (internal/external testing): DONE
Week 15 Monitor relevant projects for apporiate fixes: TODO
Week 16 prepare for openstack SRU (prepare packaging): TODO
Week 17 call for testing for openstack SRU (upload): TODO
Week 18 finalize openstack SRU (internal/external testing): TODO
Apply for standing micro-release for openstack to SRU: DONE
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.