Ubuntu Server (Juju) Messaging
Deliver monthly updates on Ubuntu Server & Juju development.
We make awesome stuff, and we should tell people about it.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Antonio Rosales
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Jono Bacon
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Jorge Castro
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- Accepted for saucy
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
vUDS 1308 Etherpad: http://
[notes from cloudsprint 2013-05]
Chef/Puppet integration story:
Integration is based on seperation of concerns of what’s in the cookbook/recipe
Option 1: Juju is top dog
agy: public upstream modules aren’t designed like that, you don’t see them in the wild
mims: use chef solo or puppet apply as a DSL.
Option 2: Juju is driven by puppet/chef
Use Juju to deploy chef master servers alongside managed resources.
Work Items
Work items:
[jorge] : Send message to list about being responsive to user requests: DONE
[jorge] : 13.09 - Ubuntu Server development Messaging: DONE
[jorge] : 13.10 - Ubuntu Server development Messaging: DONE
[jorge] : 13.11 - Ubuntu Server development Messaging: TODO
[jorge] : 13.09 Juju Charm ecosystem development messaging: DONE
[jorge] : 13.10 Juju Charm ecosystem development messaging: DONE
[jorge] : 13.11 Juju Charm ecosystem development messaging: INPROGRESS
[jorge] : 13.09 Juju Core development messaging: DONE
[jorge] : 13.10 Juju Core development messaging: DONE
[jorge] : 13.11 Juju Core development messaging: TODO
[mark-mims] Schedule puppet integration charm school - blog post: TODO
[mark-mims] Schedule chef integration charm school -blog post: DONE
[jorge] : Ask sidnei to post about ansible integration in charms: TODO
[jorge] : Ask wedgewood to post about salt integration in charms: TODO
[marcoceppi] : Make a video deploying Discourse: DONE
[marcoceppi] : Post on meta.d.o video deploying Discourse: DONE
[jamespage] : Deploying OpenStack with a bundle blog post: TODO
[jamespage] : Blog about local provider support in the OpenStack Charms: TODO
[jamespage] : Blog about ceph local provider support: TODO
[jamespage] : Blog about OpenStack with Juju containers: TODO
[mark-mims] : Blog about a data science bundle: TODO
[arosales] : Juju usecase blog: TODO
[jjo] "Case Studies" from webops: TODO
[mthaddon] "Case Studies" from webops: TODO
[timrchavez] "Case Studies" from PES: TODO