Blueprints involving Jeff Lane 

5180 of 80 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee
1 Undefined linaro-platforms-o-validation-lab 4 Discussion 5 Started Dave Pigott
1 Undefined other-n-ps-certification-vs-qa 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
1 Undefined other-ps-n-testing-upgrades-for-... 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
1 Undefined qa-maverick-hardware-tables 4 Discussion 12 Informational
1 Undefined t-cloud-server-cloud-images 4 Discussion 0 Unknown
1 Undefined cert-r-13-04-server-coverage 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined cert-r-13-04-testing 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined cert-r-checkbox-improve-release-... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined cert-r-checkbox-simplification 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-m-ubuntu-hams 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-s-quality-userstory 5 New 0 Unknown Nicholas Skaggs
1 Undefined foundations-1305-checkbox-arm-se... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined foundations-1305-checkbox-releas... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined multimedia-design-n-freeculture-... 5 New 0 Unknown Ivanka Majic
1 Undefined multimedia-dx-n-basic-visual-tou... 5 New 0 Unknown PS Project Management Team
1 Undefined multimedia-dx-n-special-featues 5 New 0 Unknown Chase Douglas
1 Undefined other-dx-n-testing-infrastructre 5 New 0 Unknown Alex Launi
1 Undefined other-linaro-n-qemu-for-devel 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined other-n-decide-on-sane-password-... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined other-ps-n-automating-certification 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined other-ps-n-certification-website... 5 New 0 Unknown David Murphy
1 Undefined other-qa-n-enhancements-for-iso-... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined qa-maverick-laptop-testing 5 New 12 Informational Sergio Zanchetta
1 Undefined qa-maverick-loco-testing 5 New 12 Informational Paolo Sammicheli
1 Undefined qa-r-cop-meetup 5 New 0 Unknown Pete Graner
1 Undefined servercloud-1305-cloud-testing 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined t-cloud-juju-gui-integration-lan... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined t-cloud-server-kernel-uefi 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-irc... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
0 Not other-ps-n-manual-testing-patterns 4 Discussion 12 Informational
5180 of 80 results

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