Blueprints involving Laura Czajkowski

5191 of 91 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee
1 Undefined community-1303-loco-community 5 New 5 Started Ubuntu LoCo Council
1 Undefined community-1303-quality-growth 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-1303-quality-rolling 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-1303-revamping-ubuntu-... 5 New 0 Unknown Daniel Holbach
1 Undefined community-1303-uak-next-steps 5 New 0 Unknown Randall Ross
1 Undefined community-1305-doc-planning 5 New 5 Started Ubuntu Documentation Committers
1 Undefined community-1311-loco-leadership 5 New 0 Unknown David Planella
1 Undefined community-1311-loco-projects 5 New 0 Unknown David Planella
1 Undefined community-m-global-jam 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-m-participate-pages 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-m-release-parties 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-m-un-millennium-goals 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-m-website-community-pa... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-o-governance-roundtable 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-o-membership-n-coc-out... 5 New 0 Unknown Mike Basinger
1 Undefined community-o-ngo-team 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-p-designing-and-creati... 5 New 0 Unknown Jono Bacon
1 Undefined community-p-government-campaigning 5 New 0 Unknown Laura Czajkowski
1 Undefined community-p-leadership-team 5 New 0 Unknown David Wonderly
1 Undefined community-p-lococouncil 5 New 5 Started Laura Czajkowski
1 Undefined community-p-reducing-community-b... 5 New 0 Unknown Jono Bacon
1 Undefined community-p-ubuntu-accomplishmen... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-q-ltp 5 New 0 Unknown LoCo Team Portal Developers
1 Undefined community-r-juju-contributor-onr... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined design-m-heuristics-and-bugs 5 New 0 Unknown Charline Poirier
1 Undefined design-m-meeting-ubuntu 5 New 0 Unknown Charline Poirier
1 Undefined design-o-community-ubuntudotcom 5 New 0 Unknown Ivanka Majic
1 Undefined design-p-design-and-community 5 New 0 Unknown Christian Giordano
1 Undefined foundations-1303-monthly-snapshots 5 New 0 Unknown Adam Conrad
1 Undefined linaro-training-using-agile-rally 5 New 0 Unknown Victoria Janicki
1 Undefined other-design-n-design-in-open-so... 5 New 0 Unknown Ivanka Majic
1 Undefined other-p-launchpad-usability-forum 5 New 0 Unknown Dan Harrop-Griffiths
1 Undefined packageselection-desktop-n-speci... 5 New 0 Unknown Mark Shuttleworth
1 Undefined qa-q-community-of-practice 5 New 0 Unknown Pete Graner
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-app... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-imp... 5 New 0 Unknown Penelope Stowe
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-irc... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-ubu... 5 New 0 Unknown Elected Leaders of the Ubuntu Women Project
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-ubu... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-web... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined unify-names-of-teams 5 New 0 Unknown Ubuntu LoCo Council
5191 of 91 results

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