Blueprints involving Jono Bacon

201250 of 268 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee
1 Undefined community-m-global-jam 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-m-irc-council-plans 5 New 0 Unknown Ubuntu IRC Council
1 Undefined community-m-participate-pages 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-m-release-parties 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-m-ubuntu-bots-plans 5 New 0 Unknown Ubuntu IRC Bots
1 Undefined community-m-ubuntu-manual-future... 5 New 0 Unknown Benjamin Humphrey
1 Undefined community-m-website-community-pa... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-o-irc-council 5 New 0 Unknown Ubuntu IRC Council
1 Undefined community-o-membership-n-coc-out... 5 New 0 Unknown Mike Basinger
1 Undefined community-o-natty-retrospective 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-o-openstack-book 5 New 0 Unknown Ahmed Kamal
1 Undefined community-o-ubuntu-news-team 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-o-ubuntu-women-project... 5 New 0 Unknown Elected Leaders of the Ubuntu Women Project
1 Undefined community-p-acceptance-criteria 5 New 0 Unknown Jason Warner
1 Undefined community-p-debian 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined community-p-government-campaigning 5 New 0 Unknown Laura Czajkowski
1 Undefined community-p-leadership-team 5 New 0 Unknown David Wonderly
1 Undefined community-p-loco-testing 5 New 0 Unknown Paolo Sammicheli
1 Undefined community-p-lococouncil 5 New 5 Started Laura Czajkowski
1 Undefined community-p-meet-desktop-designers 5 New 0 Unknown John Lea
1 Undefined community-p-ubuntu-accomplishmen... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-p-ubuntu-women-project... 5 New 0 Unknown Elected Leaders of the Ubuntu Women Project
1 Undefined community-q-accessibility-commun... 5 New 0 Unknown Accessibility
1 Undefined community-q-app-packaging-requir... 5 New 0 Unknown Daniel Holbach
1 Undefined community-q-askubuntu 5 New 0 Unknown Marco Ceppi
1 Undefined community-q-askubuntu-integration 5 New 0 Unknown Michael Schloh
1 Undefined community-q-growing-ubuntu-commu... 5 New 0 Unknown Jono Bacon
1 Undefined community-q-ircc 5 New 0 Unknown Alan Bell
1 Undefined community-q-juju-portal 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined community-q-lococouncil 5 New 0 Unknown Christophe Sauthier
1 Undefined community-q-ltp 5 New 0 Unknown LoCo Team Portal Developers
1 Undefined community-q-summit-etherpadlite 5 New 0 Unknown Alan Bell
1 Undefined community-q-ubuntu-accomplishmen... 5 New 0 Unknown Jono Bacon
1 Undefined community-r-accomplishments-coll... 5 New 0 Unknown Michael Hall
1 Undefined community-r-accomplishments-viewer 5 New 0 Unknown Michael Hall
1 Undefined community-r-accomplishments-webg... 5 New 0 Unknown Michael Hall
1 Undefined community-r-askubuntu 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-r-irc-workshops 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined community-r-juju-contributor-onr... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined community-r-ubuntu-women-project... 5 New 0 Unknown Elected Leaders of the Ubuntu Women Project
1 Undefined community-r-ubuntuonair 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined community-roundtables 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined community-s-discussubuntu 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined community-s-quality-coverage 5 New 0 Unknown Nicholas Skaggs
1 Undefined community-s-quality-growth 5 New 0 Unknown Nicholas Skaggs
1 Undefined community-s-quality-userstory 5 New 0 Unknown Nicholas Skaggs
1 Undefined community-s-uak-first-release 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined leadership-summit-p-leadership 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined other-design-n-reinvigorate-artw... 5 New 0 Unknown Ubuntu Artwork Team
1 Undefined other-extra-large-application-te... 5 New 0 Unknown Alon Girmonsky
201250 of 268 results