Blueprints involving Jono Bacon

251268 of 268 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee
1 Undefined other-launchpad-n-internationali... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined other-q-juju-and-the-hud 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined other-q-qt-5 5 New 0 Unknown Thiago Macieira
1 Undefined other-q-qt-media-hub 5 New 0 Unknown Girish Ramakrishnan
1 Undefined qa-q-upstream-tools-practices 5 New 0 Unknown Nicholas Skaggs
1 Undefined ubuntu-leadership-code-of-conduc... 5 New 0 Unknown Ubuntu LoCo Council
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-aya... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-eth... 5 New 0 Unknown
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-imp... 5 New 0 Unknown Penelope Stowe
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-irc... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-lau... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-ubu... 5 New 0 Unknown Amber Graner
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-ubu... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-web... 5 New 0 Unknown Michael Hall
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-web... 5 New 0 Unknown Jorge Castro
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-n-irc-council 5 New 0 Unknown Ubuntu IRC Council
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-n-locodirectory... 5 New 0 Unknown Laura Czajkowski
0 Not community-r-edubuntu 5 New 12 Informational Edubuntu Developers
251268 of 268 results