Blueprint workload

This page lists the specifications that Maria Docs is expected to work on, or is its creator.

Team member workload

The following people are all members of the Maria Docs team in Launchpad. We list each of their specification workloads so that you can get a sense of the overall workload balance.

101120 of 139 results

Santiago Lertora has no outstanding specifications.

Sean Sturm has no outstanding specifications.

Sergei Golubchik's specifications:

Priority Specification Definition Delivery Assign Draft Approve
4 High config-tabs 3 Drafting 5 Started      
4 High cyrillic-print 5 New 4 Blocked      
4 High ics-support 5 New 0 Unknown      
4 High many-register-items 5 New 0 Unknown      
4 High start-from-due-to 5 New 0 Unknown      
4 High update-doc 5 New 0 Unknown      
3 Medium calender-config-storage 3 Drafting 1 Not started      
3 Medium l10n 5 New 0 Unknown      
3 Medium registry-autoicon 5 New 0 Unknown      
3 Medium timezone-bugs 5 New 0 Unknown      
2 Low servercloud-q-mysql-roundtable 2 Review 12 Informational      
2 Low balance-autoconfigure 5 New 0 Unknown      
2 Low cleanup-stl 5 New 0 Unknown      
2 Low easter 5 New 0 Unknown      
2 Low interval-between-todos 5 New 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined caldav 5 New 0 Unknown      

Sergey Petrunia's specifications:

Priority Specification Definition Delivery Assign Draft Approve
1 Undefined test-blueprint1 5 New 0 Unknown      

sharad kumar chhetri has no outstanding specifications.

Shaun McCance has no outstanding specifications.

Stam He has no outstanding specifications.

Steve Obbayi has no outstanding specifications.

Surya has no outstanding specifications.

Sönke Wilts has no outstanding specifications.

tallship's specifications:

Priority Specification Definition Delivery Assign Draft Approve
1 Undefined btrfs-rsync 4 Discussion 0 Unknown      

Tatsuro Hisamori has no outstanding specifications.

Thang Duong has no outstanding specifications.

Thomas Janssens has no outstanding specifications.

Thomas Stephen Lee has no outstanding specifications.

threefire has no outstanding specifications.

Tim Callaghan has no outstanding specifications.

Timo Rautiainen has no outstanding specifications.

Travis Runyard has no outstanding specifications.

vadim has no outstanding specifications.

101120 of 139 results