Blueprint workload

This page lists the specifications that Nova EC2 API is expected to work on, or is its creator.

Team member workload

The following people are all members of the Nova EC2 API team in Launchpad. We list each of their specification workloads so that you can get a sense of the overall workload balance.

2121 of 21 results

Vish Ishaya's specifications:

Priority Specification Definition Delivery Assign Draft Approve
3 Medium rootwrap-python-exec 0 Approved 1 Not started     X
2 Low http-notification-driver 0 Approved 4 Blocked     X
2 Low vm-ensembles 3 Drafting 7 Good progress     X
1 Undefined admin-cli 0 Approved 0 Unknown     X
1 Undefined admin-service-actions 0 Approved 0 Unknown     X
1 Undefined database-reaper 0 Approved 0 Unknown     X
1 Undefined instance-state-arbiter 0 Approved 0 Unknown     X
1 Undefined live-snapshot-vms 2 Review 9 Needs Code Review X    
1 Undefined cpu-entitlement 3 Drafting 6 Slow progress     X
1 Undefined host-maintenance 3 Drafting 5 Started     X
1 Undefined attach-detach-nova-network 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined network-ipv6-core 5 New 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined nova-fast-snapshot 5 New 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined transfer-instance-ownership 5 New 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined vnc-default-password 5 New 0 Unknown     X
2121 of 21 results