Blueprint workload

This page lists the specifications that Soul-Sing is expected to work on, or is its creator.

Priority Specification Definition Delivery Assign Draft Approve
4 High portal 0 Approved 6 Slow progress      
4 High community-ubuntu-loco-leaderhsip 5 New 5 Started      
3 Medium foundations-p-dns-resolving 0 Approved 7 Good progress      
2 Low fingerprint-authentication 5 New 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined deviantart-theme-competition 1 Pending Approval 7 Good progress      
1 Undefined foundations-software-maturity-ratings 1 Pending Approval 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined rechten-wiki 4 Discussion 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined community-p-lococouncil 5 New 5 Started      
1 Undefined ubuntutheproject-community-n-improving-accessibility-devel-and-info 5 New 0 Unknown