Blueprints for 0.5

5181 of 81 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
4 High add-to-current-playlist 5 New 7 Good progress 0.5.x
4 High add-video-sections 5 New 11 Implemented Jesús Corrius
4 High cursor 5 New 11 Implemented Florian Boucault 0.5.3
4 High dvd-playback 5 New 11 Implemented Guillaume Emont 0.5.6
4 High dynamic-scanning-speed 5 New 1 Not started 0.5.x
4 High filter-radiostation-names 5 New 11 Implemented Philippe Normand 0.5.3
4 High imdb-movie-poster 5 New 7 Good progress
4 High most-listened 5 New 11 Implemented Benjamin Kampmann 0.5.3
4 High most-recently-added 5 New 11 Implemented Benjamin Kampmann 0.5.3
4 High most-recently-listened 5 New 11 Implemented Benjamin Kampmann 0.5.3
4 High movie-file-name-parsing 5 New 11 Implemented Philippe Normand 0.5.28
4 High music-hierarchy 5 New 11 Implemented Florian Boucault 0.5.3
4 High video-mediascanner 5 New 11 Implemented Philippe Normand
4 High resource-capabilities 6 Superseded 5 Started Olivier Tilloy
4 High thumbnailer 6 Superseded 9 Needs Code Review Alessandro Decina 0.5.1
4 High restart-mediascanner 7 Obsolete 1 Not started Benjamin Kampmann
4 High search 7 Obsolete 1 Not started Philippe Normand
4 High webtv 7 Obsolete 9 Needs Code Review
3 Medium boot-sequence-cleanup 0 Approved 11 Implemented Florian Boucault
3 Medium browse-photo-by-date 0 Approved 11 Implemented Benjamin Kampmann 0.5.9
3 Medium rss 0 Approved 11 Implemented Guido Amoruso 0.5.22
3 Medium pikeo 3 Drafting 1 Not started
3 Medium rhythmbox 3 Drafting 1 Not started
3 Medium userlogin 3 Drafting 1 Not started Jesús Corrius
3 Medium number-of-shoutcast-listeners 5 New 7 Good progress 0.5.3
3 Medium rotate-photo 5 New 11 Implemented
2 Low gnomescreensaver 3 Drafting 11 Implemented Philippe Normand 0.5.3
2 Low xv-player 3 Drafting 1 Not started
2 Low settingspage 7 Obsolete 1 Not started Jesús Corrius
1 Undefined redtube-plugin 1 Pending Approval 8 Beta Available x23Team 0.5.x
1 Undefined dvd-menus 7 Obsolete 11 Implemented
5181 of 81 results

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