Blueprints for Inkscape Project

150 of 305 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Project Series
5 Essential icc-for-cairo 0 Approved 1 Not started inkscape
4 High font-control-options 0 Approved 11 Implemented inkscape
4 High guides-improvement 0 Approved 1 Not started inkscape
4 High named-color-swatches 0 Approved 1 Not started inkscape
4 High save-as-vs-export 0 Approved 1 Not started Maggio inkscape
4 High test-suite 0 Approved 1 Not started inkscape
4 High toolbar-resize 0 Approved 1 Not started inkscape
4 High build-system-improvement 1 Pending Approval 11 Implemented inkscape 0.92.x
4 High inkscape-connectors 3 Drafting 5 Started inkscape
4 High lpe-plugins 3 Drafting 0 Unknown inkscape
4 High multiple-pages-support 3 Drafting 1 Not started inkscape
4 High non-advanced-filters-ui 3 Drafting 0 Unknown Felipe "Juca" Sanches inkscape
4 High real-units 3 Drafting 1 Not started inkscape
4 High clean-svg-output 4 Discussion 7 Good progress inkscape
4 High extensions-api 4 Discussion 0 Unknown inkscape
4 High text-redo 4 Discussion 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium advanced-bitmap-export-options 0 Approved 6 Slow progress inkscape
3 Medium fillet-tool 0 Approved 1 Not started joelholdsworth inkscape
3 Medium gallery 0 Approved 9 Needs Code Review Andrew inkscape
3 Medium gtk3-migration 0 Approved 11 Implemented Alex Valavanis inkscape
3 Medium image-links-manager 0 Approved 6 Slow progress inkscape
3 Medium image-properties-dialog-enhancem... 0 Approved 7 Good progress Steren inkscape
3 Medium lpe-blueprint 0 Approved 1 Not started inkscape
3 Medium new-from-template-dialog 0 Approved 11 Implemented Slagvi inkscape 0.91.x
3 Medium power-stroke 0 Approved 11 Implemented Johan Engelen inkscape 0.91.x
3 Medium scripting-ui 0 Approved 5 Started Fernando Lucchesi inkscape
3 Medium shelf-layer-for-symbols 0 Approved 11 Implemented Tavmjong Bah inkscape 0.91.x
3 Medium smart-edit-box 0 Approved 8 Beta Available inkscape
3 Medium sort-out-xara-xtreme-functions 0 Approved 1 Not started Louise inkscape
3 Medium transformation-anchors 0 Approved 1 Not started inkscape
3 Medium allow-browser-resizing 2 Review 8 Beta Available Matthew Petroff inkscape 0.91.x
3 Medium crash-recovery 2 Review 5 Started jazzynico inkscape 1.0.x
3 Medium custom-predefined-filters 2 Review 11 Implemented jazzynico inkscape 0.91.x
3 Medium vector-brush 2 Review 1 Not started inkscape
3 Medium win-cross-compiled-devlibs 2 Review 8 Beta Available inkscape
3 Medium document-properties-rework 3 Drafting 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium extensions-presets 3 Drafting 1 Not started jazzynico inkscape
3 Medium find-replace-dialog 3 Drafting 7 Good progress inkscape
3 Medium inkscape-quartz 3 Drafting 0 Unknown Gellule inkscape
3 Medium long-menu-accessibility 3 Drafting 1 Not started inkscape
3 Medium new-position-and-transform-models 3 Drafting 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium patterns-ux 3 Drafting 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium ui-gradient-window 3 Drafting 1 Not started inkscape
3 Medium xar-to-svg-converter 3 Drafting 1 Not started inkscape
3 Medium better-layer-management 4 Discussion 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium color-eyedropper 4 Discussion 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium filters-buffering 4 Discussion 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium gradient-presets 4 Discussion 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium gradients-spectra 4 Discussion 0 Unknown inkscape
3 Medium handle-corrupted-files 4 Discussion 0 Unknown inkscape
150 of 305 results